


Low-Frequency Noise Metrology For The Development of High-Frequency Technologies and For High Purity Signal Generation

Jean-Guy Tartarin

ARFTG January 2024 Invited speech


Study of GaN HEMTs Robustness to Application-Like, Software-Controlled Overshoots Emulating Different Gate Routings in Original 50 Ohms Environment

Ludovic Roche

WiPDA October 2023  Toulouse, France

Original Design Procedure For Self-Reconfigurable Low Noise Figure and High RF Input Power Overdrive LNA: Application to X-Band GaN MMICs

Jean-Guy Tartarin

ICNF October 2023  Grenoble, France

Impact of RF stress on different topologies of 100 nm X-band robust GaN LNA

Bastien Pinault

ScienceDirect  Microelectronics Reliability  115126

ESREF October 2023  Toulouse, France

Over-voltage and cross-conduction hard switching stress on schottky gate-type p-GaN HEMT in half-bridge operation. Experimental and physical approaches

Lucien Ghizzo

ScienceDirect  Microelectronics Reliability  115172

ESREF October 2023  Toulouse, France

A Self-Reconfigurable Highly Linear and Robust X-Band MMIC GaN LNA

Bastien Pinault

EuMW September 2023  Berlin, Germany

A New Method for Designing Robust Low Noise Amplifier

Bastien Pinault

SMW  May 2023  Noordwijk, Netherlands

Investigation of BVdss instability in trench power MOSFET through DLTS, electrical characterization and TCAD simulations

Marina Ruggeri

ISPSD June 2023  Hong Kong

Dynamic RDS-on degradation analysis on power GaN HEMT by means of TCAD simulations and experimental measurement

Gaëtan Toulon

WOCSDICE – EXMATEC May 2023  Palerme, Italy

Preconditionning of p-GaN power HEMT for reproducible Vth measurement

Lucien Ghizzo

ScienceDirect  Microelectronics Reliability  Volume 144


Analyser la fiabilité des matériaux des composants grand gap

Marina Angel

Industries et technologies • no. 1053 • p. 19

Impact of 1 MeV proton irradiation on InGaAsN solar cells

M. Levillayer

Semiconductor Science and Technology • Volume 37


Degradation study of InGaAsN PIN solar cell under 1 MeV electrons irradiation

M. Levillayer

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science


Focus 2020 du LAAS  (Plateforme PROOF p36)