
Safety Monitoring For Autonomous Systems: Interactive Elicitation of Safety Rules, Lola Masson, PhD Thesis, Université de Toulouse 3, France, 2019

SMOF – A Safety MOnitoring Framework for Autonomous Systems. Mathilde Machin, Jérémie Guiochet, Hélène Waeselynck, Jean-Paul Blanquart, Matthieu Roy, Lola Masson, In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 48, no 5, pp. 702-715, may 2018. IEEE. [doi] Journal    

Synthesis of Safety Rules for Active Monitoring: Application to an Airport Light Measurement Robot Lola Masson, Jérémie Guiochetn Hélène Waeselynck, Augustin Desfosses, Marc Laval In IEEE Robotic Computing, Taichung, Taïwan, 2017  

Synthèse de règles de sécurité pour des systèmes autonomes critiques, Mathilde Machin, Phd Thesis (in french), Université de Toulouse 3,  France, 2015

Model-checking and game theory for the synthesis of safety rules, M. Machin, F. Dufossé, J. Guiochet, D. Powell, M. Roy, H.Waeselynck, International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (IEEE HASE), Daytona Beach, USA, 2015

Specifying safety monitors for autonomous systems using model-checking, M. Machin, F. Dufossé, J.-P. Banquart, J. Guiochet, D. Powell, H. Waeselynck, International conference on computer safety, reliability & security (SafeComp)Florence, Italy, 2014  

Safety trigger conditions for critical autonomous systems A. Mekki-Mokhtar, J.-P. Blanquart, J. Guiochet, D. Powell, M. RoyPacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC) Niigata, Japan, 2012  

Elicitation of Executable Safety Rules for Critical Autonomous Systems A.MEKKI-MOKHTAR, J.P.BLANQUART, J.GUIOCHET, D.POWELL, M.ROY, Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS) Toulouse, France, 2012