Case studies

The 4mob Robot, a Case Study from Sterela, in the context of CPSE Labs Project

The system is a robot from the French company STERELA studied as part of the European project CPSE-Labs .
Its mission is to control the lights along the airport runways.
The robot consists of a mobile platform and a commutable payload.
The payload is a photometric sensor deported on the side of the platform. The deported sensor moves above the lights (15-20cm) with a maximum speed of 1.4m/s.
A human operator is supervising the mission with a digital tablet from the extremity of the runway.
As the robot operates at night and at long distances, the operator has no direct visual contact with it.

After the Hazop-UML analysis, the following list of safety invariants has been identified:

– The robot must not collide with an obstacle (static or mobile);
– The robot must not fall;
– The robot must not enter a prohibited zone;
– The robot must not travel a long distance if the communication with the operator is broken;
– The robot must not exceed a certain velocity.

Those invariants are modelled and safety strategies synthesized with SMOF.

Those models for the synthesis with SMOF are available for download:

Download examples

In this archive you will find

– The template for modelling ;

– 7 example of models from the analysis performed with Sterela for the European project CPSE-Labs ;

– A consistency analysis between the strategies found ;

– A brief explanation of the models availables ;

– A paper that will be published at IEEE Robotic Computing 2017 detailing three of the available models.